A tradesman who raped a sex worker multiple times during a "degrading series of assaults" at a brothel will spend at least the next two-and-a-half years behind bars.
"[The rapist] used violence to do whatever he wanted to, despite the complainant's continued attempts to get him to stop," Acting Justice Peter Berman said on Friday.
In the ACT Supreme Court, Darrell Michael Hudson, 32, sobbed upon hearing he would be spending the next few years in jail.
Hudson had been rocking back and forth while sitting in the dock, and wiping away his tears with a tissue, while waiting to find out his fate.
Acting Justice Berman sentenced Hudson to a total of four years and nine months in jail, with a two-and-a-half-year non-parole period.
"It is important to recognise that sex workers are in a particularly vulnerable position," the judge said.
"Non-consensual sexual acts on sex workers are not less serious because of the nature of their job."
During a trial in April, jurors found Hudson guilty of 10 charges, including three counts of sexual intercourse without consent, committing an act of indecency without consent, and one count each of sexual assault, property damage, and choking, suffocating or strangling.
Jurors acquitted the tradesman of four further charges.
All 14 charges, which Hudson denied, stemmed from his visit to a Canberra brothel in February 2021.
In the early hours of February 26, Hudson engaged the services of a sex worker.
He purchased a "standard package", paid for by a friend, and was informed of what was included in the service.
After engaging in some consensual acts, Hudson then repeatedly indecently assaulted the woman.
He then sat on her chest, straddling her with his knees and said: "I want to face f--- you."
Acting Justice Berman on Friday said: "[Hudson] inflicted force upon [the victim] without her consent with the intention of putting his penis in her mouth. She was unable to move and therefore she was forced to acquiesce."
Hudson called the victim a "bitch", spat on her face, and slapped her.
At one point, the 32-year-old pushed down on the woman's windpipe and she briefly lost consciousness.
"Choking was yet another example of the offender exercising his dominion over the complainant in a violent and degrading way," the judge stated.
Hudson also raped the woman multiple ways, and attempted to vaginally rape her.
"Clearly frustrated at what had happened and his inability to maintain an erection the offender made a punching motion at her face," Acting Justice Berman said.
As he left the room, Hudson punched a wall twice, leaving a hole.
Hudson will be eligible for release in May 2026.
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