Bristol is now officially in "Tier 1 plus" - a new part of the coronavirus tier system created by South West leaders.
As a result, Bristolians have been told to "go back to basics" to try to avoid the city being put under Tier 2 restrictions, which would mean a ban on households mixing together indoors.
Bristol mayor Marvin Rees and the council’s director of public health Christina Gray unveiled the new "Tier 1 plus" this morning (Wednesday, October 28) after revealing Bristol is at "crisis point" due to soaring case numbers.
The approach includes national Tier 1 measures plus three new elements:
- “Targeted actions” developed locally to reduce the spread of Covid-19
- An enhanced test and trace capability with the council stepping to take over some parts of the national system
- Eight covid marshalls to encourage people and organisations to follow the rules.
The approach has been developed locally and a spokesperson for the Department for Health and Social Care says it is not considering the introduction of a ‘plus’ system.
They said: “There are three Local Covid Alert Levels which are enshrined in law and we are not considering the introduction of a ‘plus’ system.
“Bristol is currently at medium and local leaders have the authority to bring in some additional measures for their area and we welcome local efforts to break chains of transmission.”
Mr Rees said if the new approach does not work, the city would face the “inevitable” prospect of being put in Tier 2 or even Tier 3 restrictions.
Ms Gray said the new “Tier 1+” approach had been discussed by local authorities in the South West but said Bristol was the first one to adopt it.
‘Targeted actions’
Mr Rees said the actions would be driven by local data and tailored to respond to how and where the virus is spreading.
Ms Gray said last night the actions would focus on areas where people have become “a bit lax”.
Today, she said the most worrying rise in infections was among adults of working age - the 30 to 60 year age group.
Outbreaks among the student population were easier to contain, she said.
In contrast, the “rising tide” of infections among working age adults was happening across the city and so was harder to pinpoint and therefore harder to manage, she said.
Household mixing was at the root of the problem and risked the virus being spread to older and more vulnerable groups, she added.
But there was no “one single intervention” which would tackle the spread in this age group, she said.
It was clear that maintaining “Covid-secure behaviours and Covid-secure environments” was effective in reducing the spread of the virus.
So the data would be used to drive actions to bring this about, she said.
“Nothing’s off the table,” she said.
The hospitality sector was one of the most difficult areas to manage, she added.
‘Enhanced’ local test-and-trace
Mr Rees said the council would be taking on elements of the national test-and-trace system that had failed.
Ms Gray said the level of contact tracing in Bristol was not where it should be and that the council would be undertaking more of this locally.
She said the council had received £3million in outbreak control money from the government and will have to pay for the additional resources for more contact tracing from within that budget.
She said she wanted to thank everyone who was coming forward for testing as it not only helped people to identify when they needed to self-isolate and get treatment, but that it helped authorities understand the pattern of spread in the community.
Covid marshals
The council is busy employing eight Covid marshals who should be in place within a week, Ms Gray said.
She said they would be full-time but would be mainly deployed in the evenings and the weekends in areas, such as Gloucester Road, where they were needed most.
Mr Rees said the marshals are part of a drive to improve compliance with coronavirus rules by individuals and organisations so that the behaviour of Bristol’s residents and its environments are Covid-safe.

The marshals will therefore focus on encouraging compliance rather than having an enforcement role, he said.
But the council will have to take enforcement measures to drive behaviour change as well, he added.
Mr Rees noted that Avon and Somerset Police had handed out more than 400 Covid penalty notices since March - 37 of them since the start of October.
He asked everyone to be “gracious” towards anyone whose job it was to ask people to follow the rules.
Bristol is in Tier 1+ now
Ms Gray said: “We regard ourselves as being, now, in Tier 1+.”
“The conversations happened last week.”
She said Tier 1+ was an enhanced version of the city’s Local Outbreak Management Plan “informed by deep dives in intelligence”.
“The really big challenge for us is, when we did the deep dive, what we could see around working age adults is this rising tide [of infections].
“If we’d been able to see an outbreak that we hadn’t seen before or a clustering or a geography, it would be much easier.
“And what we can see is it’s household mixing - we’re all tired, we want to see our families, we want to see our grandparents - we’re breaching all of that.
“All we’re trying to do is get the behaviour change amongst the population without having to have those additional [restrictions].
Things could change in a matter of days, she said.
Ms Gray said there will be a two- or three-week delay before we see the effect of the interventions.
"So we are in a very, very critical place, I can't emphasise that enough", she said.
Why isn’t Bristol in Tier 2 already given its numbers?
Mr Rees said Bristol currently has 340.7 coronavirus cases per 100,000 people, well above the English average of 222.8 per 100,000 people.
The government’s decisions on putting local authorities in a certain tier are not made on case numbers alone, he said.
He said they were made taking into account a “basket of considerations” including hospital admissions, where the virus is “landing” within the population, and whether the government considers the local council has a “degree of control”.
Halloween and trick-or-treat advice
The council has asked everyone to have Halloween at home this year.
Asked about the subject of trick-or-treat outings, Ms Gray advised people to “dial down” their Halloween celebrations this year.
“Do it in your own home, don't go trick or treating, don't have large parties,” she said.
Mr Rees added that the council had made a number of suggestions for how to celebrate Halloween this year that did not entail house-to-house visits or large parties.
"No one wants to be a party pooper but we are where we are,” he said.