The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) recently adjusted the listing criteria for private placement (PP), which comes into effect on July 1.
In a statement, the SET said the listing criteria had been adjusted to simplify capital market regulations, revising the definition of "market price" and exempting the silent period for PPs.
The amendments, which are in line with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations and ease the burden for listed companies in accordance with the SET's strategy, make fundraising and investment easier.
The SET said it revised the definition of market price to be "in accordance with the SEC's criteria and practice".
From July, the silent period criteria applicable to PP shares at a price below the market price has been waived for the sale of remaining shares after the rights offering (RO) or preferential public offering (PPO) via PP at a price not less than the RO or PPO. This is also in line with the SEC's regulations.
The criteria was waived for creditors who are offered shares or securities according to a business rehabilitation plan in order to facilitate the rehabilitation, said the bourse.
For further information about the criteria, market participants and the public can visit the SET's website at www.set.or.th. Go to the "rules and regulations" menu, then select "circular letters for listed companies".