After plenty of teasing, Black Adam is finally available in MultiVersus — and he’s looking pretty powerful in the new gameplay trailer.
On Monday, Warner Bros. Games made Black Adam playable in MultiVersus as part of update 1.05. While most people are probably more familiar with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s silver-screen spin on the character, MultiVersus digs into Black Adam’s comic book roots. He’s a bit more of a bad guy here, more or less.
Check out the MultiVersus‘ Black Adam gameplay trailer for yourself below. It’s a good watch for anyone aching to see the much-anticipated brawl with Superman.
Poor Gizmo. What did that little furball ever do to deserve such a thrashing? It’s brutal.
Loads more came in this patch, including arcade mode, a silly queue, and more — check out our full breakdown for in-depth details. It’s probably one of the most extensive updates MultiVersus has had thus far.
MultiVersus came out back in August and quickly became a massive hit, adding other iconic characters like Morty Smith, Rick Sanchez, and Stripe from Gremlins. This free-to-play brawler has a lot to it, so it’s worth looking at our beginner tips and character tier list before jumping in.
Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.