BENGALURU: The Enforcement Directorate has provisionally attached 16 immoveable properties worth around Rs 137 crore in the present market value, which are in the names of Dreamz Infra India Ltd, TGS Constructions Pvt Ltd, Disha Choudhary, MD of Dreamz Infra India Ltd, Mandeep Kaur, MD of TGS Constructions Pvt Ltd, and other related persons/entities.
According to ED officials, the attached properties are in the form of land and residential houses in Bengaluru. ED had initiated a money-laundering investigation on the basis of more than 125 cheating cases registered in Bengaluru against Dreamz Infra India Ltd, TGS Constructions Pvt Ltd, Gruha Kalyan, Sachin Naik alias Yogesh, Disha Choudhary, Mandeep Kaur and others.
The suspects allegedly duped the public by taking huge deposits, promising affordable apartments in and around Bengaluru. Investigation revealed that from 2011-12 to 2016-17, the accused collected more than Rs 722 crore from 10,299 customers and misappropriated the funds for their own benefits.
Main accused Yogesh, Choudhary, Kaur and others deposited the money into various bank accounts, later diverted it to make Bollywood movies, to spend on personal parties, marriages and gifts, investigators said.