Gig-goers will be looking forward to seeing their favourite performers as Belsonic 2022 kicks off at Ormeau Park on Monday.
The PSNI has advised motorists to be aware of road closures and knock-on traffic delays in the area on concert dates.
Concert organisers have applied for a series of road closures which will see Annadale Embankment from the Ormeau Road junction, through the Ravenhill Road junction, closed between 4pm and midnight.
In Pictures: Behind the scenes look at Belsonic 2022 at Ormeau Park
Officers are also reminding everyone attending Belsonic in Ormeau Park this month to respect local residents and keep safe.
Superintendent Gerard Pollock said: “Police have been working in partnership with the event organisers and various agencies in planning for the Belsonic concerts. We want to see everyone attending these shows to enjoy themselves while also obeying the law, acting responsibly and staying safe.
“We are reminding those who plan to attend the shows to plan their journey to and from the concert in advance. Here are a few things that will help on the day. If you are drinking, please do so responsibly, stay with your friends and look after one another.
“If you are planning on getting a lift home after the concert with a friend or relative, be advised that the concert organisers have applied for a series of road closures which will see Annadale Embankment from the Ormeau Road junction, through the Ravenhill Road junction, closed between 4pm and midnight. This is to ensure the safe exit of people from the venue."
He continued: “Please agree your collection points bearing in mind that this road will be closed to through traffic, which may cause disruption in the general area. Arrange collection points away from the immediate area and please respect local residents.
"If you are planning on driving to the event, please park your vehicle legally and ensure that it is not causing an obstruction. Also, if you are planning on drinking at the concert, please do not drive. It only takes one drink to impair your decision-making ability.
“While I appreciate many of those attending will be taking photos and videos and using social media, please ensure your mobile phone is fully charged, or you have a portable charger – especially if you need to contact friends or those collecting you at the end of the concert!”
Superintendent Pollock also reminded concertgoers to be respectful of the law and mindful of the consequences of breaking the law.
“Being drunk in a public place can attract a court fine of up to £250, with the potential for a criminal record. Police can also issue a fixed penalty of £40 for being drunk in a public place and £80 for disorderly behaviour or behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace.
“We will be monitoring coaches approaching the venue. Drinking on buses is illegal and can pose a major road safety risk by distracting the driver. We will also confiscate alcohol from anyone under 18 years of age. We want everyone attending the concert to have a great night, to stay safe, and remember the event for all the right reasons.”
Read more: 33 huge gigs happening in Belfast this summer
Read more: Bars near Ormeau Park to check out after Belsonic 2022
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