So keen is Behringer to show off the products that it’s developing that it’s rare for any of them to be leaked, but the SQ-10 looks to be a rare exception.
Seemingly a clone of Korg’s SQ-10 sequencer, which was released back in 1978, photos of this apparently forthcoming product have now appeared online at Matrixsynth.
The SQ-10 had three channels, each of which was limited to 12 steps and had CV control. The BQ-10 looks like it drops this down to eight steps, though there do appear to be several additional features such as the ability to switch between different voltage settings and Eurorack compatibility.
What with this being a completely unofficial leak, we have even less idea than usual when the BQ-10 will be released (or, indeed, if it will be at all). That said, it looks like a lot of the work on it has already been done, so here’s hoping we’ll get an inkling soon.