Juan Cabral
Saw This, Made This
, has partnered with Bombay Sapphire as their creative director for a campaign to raise awareness for creatives.
The premise behind the campaign is “Saw This, Made This” calling on creatives to take in their surroundings and demonstrate how people can reframe the world around them and turn that inspiration into something great. Whether it’s a sunset, mountains, or your local city, Baz Luhrmann is challenging you to capture what you saw and to show us what you made.
Whether you’re a fresh novice or a creative veteran, this campaign is designed to get all creatives involved! All you have to do is capture and share on social media what you see in the world that creatively inspires you, and tag @BombaySapphire with the hashtag #Sawthismadethis. Throughout the campaign, Baz will be sharing his favourite #Sawthismadethis submissions as well! So you have a shot to get noticed by the Moulin Rouge visionary himself!
Luhrmann has collabed with Director (Director of Gorilla for Cadbury) to produce the short film to promote the campaign and give y’all inspiration on how you can participate. The film was made filmed in the streets of Cabral’s home city Buenos Aires, and takes the audience around the city, through the eyes of the director, inviting you into his perspective. That’s art baby!
In the spirit of bringing everyone together, your creations will also be on display in a wide evolving online gallery alongside other submissions which is a great opp to get exposure and build connections with fellow creatives!
The campaign started on October 13 and is set to culminate in April 2023 plenty of time to start to familiarise yourself with your surroundings and how you want to share your creative vision.
If you’d like to read more about the campaign and see the full short film click .
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