Two basketball players recently made headlines for a controversial post-game moment that went viral on social media. Following a game between the Toronto Raptors and Orlando Magic in Florida, players Gradey Dick and Anthony Black engaged in a shirt swap that resulted in a suggestive phrase formed by their surnames.
The incident occurred on Sunday, 17 March, when Dick and Black decided to exchange jerseys and pose for photos. The images quickly circulated online, showing the players standing side by side with the backs of their shirts displaying their last names.
Amidst the grinning faces of the players, it was evident that they were aware of the provocative message created by the shirt swap. Fans on social media reacted with amusement, noting the players' seemingly intentional actions.
One observer pointed out a video that captured Dick apparently mouthing the words 'f*** it' before the exchange, suggesting a deliberate intent behind the gesture. The playful nature of the moment was further emphasized by the reactions of those who witnessed it.
While many found the situation humorous, there is a possibility that the players could face consequences for their actions. Reports indicate that the Orlando Magic initially shared a photo of the jersey swap on their official social media account before promptly deleting it.
This incident adds to the list of viral moments that have occurred in the NBA over the years, showcasing the playful and sometimes controversial interactions between players both on and off the court. As the images continue to circulate online, it remains to be seen how the league and the teams involved will address the situation.