Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce from Ben Affleck this week after months of speculation.
Now an astrologer has explained to Marie Claire how the planets might have affected these two's relationship—and its ending.
"Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are both born under the sign of Leo, but they're very different people," says Inbaal Honigman, speaking on behalf of Tarotoo. "Their astrological data isn't dissimilar, but the emphasis is very different in each of their zodiacal personality charts."
For Lopez, Honigman says, it's "professional and personal freedom above all else—passionate planet Mars in adventurous sign Sagittarius, romantic planet Venus in fun-loving sign Gemini. She was put on this earth to experience life and to live fully and authentically. "
Meanwhile, "Ben's focus is different, his eyes are on the family," the astrologer continues. "With ascendant and Venus in balanced Libra, he wants to make the time for everything and everyone that matters to him. With passionate Mars in the sensible sign of Virgo, he thinks long and hard before he gives himself over to someone."

The spouses' differences have been an issue for a long time, according to them and to sources who've commented on their relationship. Namely, it's thought that Affleck is uncomfortable with the limelight, while Lopez seeks it out—or is at the very least used to it.
"Aug. 20, the two-year anniversary of Bennifer's most recent wedding day, was a tough day for the couple. J.Lo formally filed for divorce, citing April 26, 2024 as their date of separation in court papers," Honigman continues.
"A relationship of two Leos was never going to be easy—and it never was. Leo is a sunny, positive, optimistic and sexy sign, and they are natural leaders. Both Jennifer and Ben are born under the sign of Leo, making them both leaders—and any love story would struggle to contain more than one leader."

But it's not just the two stars' personal charts that have posed issues for them: The two dates—that of the divorce filing and that of the official separation—are significant as well, according to the astrologer.
"Aug. 20 happened to take place towards the end of the Mercury retrograde," she says.
"This astrological phenomenon is known to cause communication issues and words taken out of context. April 26 was only a few hours following a retrograde, so even back then, the initial split may have been prompted by misunderstandings."
And there's more: "The two dates, April 26 and Aug. 20, are set immediately after a Full Moon," says Honigman. "The April date, when they physically separated, is three days after a Full Moon and the August date is just one day after the August Full Moon. Every month, the Full Moon signifies the time of revelations coming to light. Whatever came to light during the April Full Moon and the August Full Moon may have impacted Jen and Ben's marriage."