Ubisoft announced new details for Assassin’s Creed Nexus, the upcoming Assassin’s Creed VR game, and told GLHF at a press event a bit about who the stealth game‘s heroes are. Assassin’s Creed Nexus will center on three fan-favorite assassins: Ezio from Assassin’s Creed 2; Connor Kenway from Assassin’s Creed 3; and Cassandra from Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
The narrative leans heavily on Assassin’s Creed’s modern stories and the race to recover a series of genetic memories that could tip the balance of power in the Templar’s age-old struggle. These memories are the stories of Nexus’ three heroes.
Connor Kenway’s tale is a spy story set during the age of exploration and piracy, while Ezio’s story takes us back to 15th-century Italy and the height of the Italian Renaissance – and some of its dark, untold stories.
Cassandra’s story unfolds during the period of the 30 Tyrants in Athens, when a Spartan coup saw a council of 30 Spartans installed as Athens’ rulers.
All of Nexus’ stories take place on what Ubisoft called “open maps,” non-linear sandbox-style settings that lend themselves to multiple playstyles and plenty of parkour.
If you want a combat-heavy focus similar to the more recent Assassin’s Creed games, you can take that route, but Nexus also gives you room to create a hybrid or stealth approach if you want. You’ll have an entire suite of assassin’s skills and weapons at your disposal as well, including smoke bombs and the classic wrist blade.
Assassin’s Creed Nexus launches on Meta Quest sometime in the 2023 holiday season.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF