Have you been burping your home yet? Yep, you heard us correctly. It turns out that just like a baby, your home needs a little help to stay healthy over the winter, and burping is the key.
As well as the cosy vibes and fun festivities, the colder months also bring some nasties into your home. We're talking mould, damp and condensation (oh my!). While clever tech, like using the best dehumidifier, definitely goes a long way into helping keep these at bay, there are some natural remedies, too.
Yes, of course you can use plants to combat damp, but a little burping may be your secret weapon this year – and it’s not as gross as it sounds. Put simply, burping your home is the process of opening your windows for around 10 minutes at a time. Here's why experts say it's the way forward...
Why should we be burping our homes?
‘Burping your home encourages the circulation of fresh air and prevents condensation, which in turn prevents the growth of mould,’ says Helen O’Connor, product manager at 247 Blinds.
‘Mould thrives in areas with high moisture and humidity paired with low air circulation – and will grow quickly in places where water is present or air is stagnant. Mould often becomes more of a problem when seasons change and homes are often not experiencing constant airflow from a heater, fan, or air conditioner.'
While you may turn to the best ways to get rid of damp, as with many things in life, the best thing you can do is to help prevent your home from reaching this stage in the first place. So a little burping can help mitigate the condensation from building up.
And burping isn't reserved for kitchens and bathrooms – every room will benefit from it.
‘No window is exempt from condensation,' stresses Helen. 'If you’re not letting your home breathe, you are cultivating an environment for mould to grow.’
While in winter, keeping our windows open all day long isn't always possible or desirable, but burping your home daily allows for circulation and fresh air, and this method of keeping your windows open to prevent mould can be done in a matter of minutes.
So get burping your home and keep your space and family healthy all winter long.