Arc Games is bringing Fellowship, a unique take on the MMORPG genre, that cuts out what many players believe is not needed for this kind of game and focuses on just running dungeons, all the time.
The developer is Chief Rebel, a studio that has members who have experience in various related titles, such as Diablo, Helldivers, The Division, and World of Warcraft.
They talked about their overall enjoyment of MMOs and MOBAs in general, as well as grouping with other players.
A Dungeon-Focused MMORPG
Fellowship is relatively simple and has players gathering in groups of four either through a matchmaking system or by getting together with friends.
They will head to a table in the middle of the ready room, and select an option from Adventures and Ranked, according to MassivelyOP.
The first, Adventures, are shorter and more simplified while Ranked are longer and are designed to be more challenging for players. Many of the game's inspirations are evident the moment you dive into Fellowship.
The graphics are bright, painterly, and stylized and the game's animations for both attacking and moving were relatively silky even for an alpha build.
It also features a lot of MMO sensibility in the design of the pre-built heroes, which include tank, DPS, and healer archetypes.
When players are given the option of choosing between Adventure and Ranked, they can also decide on a variety of difficulty and modifiers that make their dungeon run unique. The game's dungeons will also scale in difficulty as they are completed, said GameSpot.
Customizing Your Runs
This means that even when players run the same dungeon multiple times, they will experience a different set of challenges and obtain different rewards. Chief Rebel has been developing Fellowship since 2018 and currently does not have an official release date.
Another thing that attracts MMO players to Fellowship, especially those who loved World of Warcraft, is that the UI looks very similar to how WoW did back in 2010.
This was when everyone used the ElvUI mod to minimize Blizzard's health and mana bars into flattened rectangles with text.
The developer sought to make Fellowship a co-op experience that removes the need to grind for weeks questing and leveling up in order to access various dungeons. The heroes that you play in the game gain power from their skill trees and gear as you play.
The alpha test for Fellowship is scheduled to start on Aug. 15, 2024, and a lot of players are looking forward to diving into its dungeons again. It will feature two heroes in each category for players to try out, according to PCGamer.