Anna University has issued a detailed brochure for the upcoming November/December 2021 end-semester examinations to be held shortly. The three-hour exams will be taken by students from home and the question paper pattern will be the same as that of the one followed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic — offline, pen and paper.
Candidates must have an active internet facility to download the question paper and upload the scanned (pdf version) answer script post-exam. They shall use only 15 sheets (30 pages) to write the answers.
Candidates must write in blue/black ink on A4 sheets. Students may download hall tickets from the Controller of Examination web portal. The question papers will be distributed by the college during the exam session only through the platform given by the college.
Candidates must dispatch the answer scripts in a cloth-lined cover by speed post/registered post/courier, addressed to the Principal of the respective institution. Students are not allowed to visit the institutions to hand over their answer scripts.
Colleges must provide online platform facilities to send question papers and receive scanned copies of the answer scripts. The Controller of Examinations of Anna University has also provided the name of the contact person of each college in the student log-in of the portal.