It’s been another term of drunken kisses, petty crime and family drama at Waterloo Road — and that’s just the staff!
As Waterloo Road season 12 concludes on BBC One next week, head teacher Kim Campbell (Angela Griffin) is in high spirits. It’s the debut of Radio Waterloo Road and she’s hopeful that troubled teen Danny Lewis (Adam Abbou) — who she was forced to exclude from school for stabbing his mum’s violent boyfriend in self-defence — can use the launch to rehabilitate himself. Disgruntled Myles has other ideas, however, with ‘explosive’ consequences!
Here, Angela gives us her end-of-term report…
How do you think this term has shaped up for Waterloo Road, and head teacher, Kim?
"It was all a bit shaky for Kim at the end of last term, having her professionalism questioned really damaged her. But Kim will always put the students first, which is why she came back this term determined to heal the school’s wounds."

Has Kim felt responsible for the fate of Danny Lewis?
"Very much so. Danny reminds her of her son, Dexter, who died. Whenever she looks at Danny, she just can't help but see that and wants to help him. Teachers like Kim are passionate about changing young people's lives. However, this final episode offers real insight into how you can't help everybody, no matter how hard you try…"

What other teasers can you give us about the ‘explosive’ finale?
"Danny Lewis’s story, in particular, isn’t wrapped up with a beautiful, nicely tied bow. Life doesn't always work like that and there’s often tragedy. We also learn what Waterloo Road really means for both the staff and pupils; it’s their community, it’s their life."
Are you often inspired by the young actors on Waterloo Road?
"Every day. All the young actors on this show take the job very seriously. They put so much thought into it, really do their homework, come onto set and they work hard. As the adult, it does make you go: 'I’d better make sure I’m being THAT professional'."

How well would you say Waterloo Road reflects real life?
"When my aunties and uncles watched the reboot earlier this year, they said: ‘Oh gosh, it’s giving young people ideas!’ But that couldn’t be more wrong: Waterloo Road is only scraping the surface of what actually happens in secondary schools on a daily basis. Maybe the older generation needs a spotlight shone on these issues so they realise what young people are facing. It’s a real eye-opener."
Watch the final episode of Waterloo Road on Tuesday, June 27 at 8pm on BBC One.