Edinburgh Council has approved plans to demolish a local Sainsbury's store and create apartments in an upmarket neighbourhood - despite objections of some local residents.
The City of Edinburgh Council approved the plan on Friday January 14, to partly demolish the existing Sainsbury's store on the ground floor at 358 - 364 Morningside Road and create an apartment block in its place.
The four-storey apartment block will have ten flats inside, with all units being two bedroom dwellings and no family sized properties on offer.
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The planning application shows that local residents had strong opinions on this development, with some in favour but many more objecting to the proposal.
Over 50 objections were listed on the planning application, including from the local community council.
A spokesperson for the Morningside Community Council said: “Whilst there is some support for replacing a tenement in this gap site, following the failure of the original tenement, Morningside Community Council has received a significant number of highly critical comments from residents on this redevelopment proposal.
“The Community Council supports those criticisms and therefore submits its objection to the redevelopment on the following grounds: The height of the proposed building is inappropriate, having a sixth storey level projecting above the prevailing tenement height at a point where the tenement height should step downwards, not upwards.
“The character of the front elevation takes no reference from its adjacent tenements neither in detailing, storey levels, or other architectural features, and is thus seen as having been designed with complete disregard for the Morningside Conservation Area and its characteristics.”
Ahead of planning being granted the council’s Development Committee had issued a report recommending it been given the green light.
It stated: “The proposal has the potential to contribute to the housing land supply through re-use of brownfield land for residential development.
“The proposals will preserve the character and appearance of the Morningside Conservation Area.
“A satisfactory residential environment will be created and overall there will be no unreasonable impact on the amenity of neighbouring residents. A departure from the private green space standards is acceptable given the footprint of the existing development on-site.”
A spokesperson for developers 83s Ltd told of major investment heading into the area.
They added: "We have worked through all appropriate planning procedures, correctly and in-line with CEC’s requirements, including pre-application consultations, submission of formal planning applications and referral to Committee for adjudication.
"There has been predominant local support for both developments throughout this process.
"On the back of the granting of consent we will be investing heavily in the area to provide more than twenty luxury flats and improved retail provision. Sainsbury’s will remain on Morningside Road."
A Sainsbury’s spokesperson said: "We can reassure our customers that we remain committed to Morningside and we are in close contact with our landlord to make sure we continue to serve residents in the area. This will either be through our current site or a development across the road that would include a brand new Sainsbury's Local."