FormerLove Island contestant Amy Hart has announced that she is expecting her first child with her boyfriend, Samuel Rason.
The realty TV star made the announcement during an appearance on Loose Women, revealing that is she between 13 and 14 weeks pregnant and that the baby is due in March.
The couple have been dating for over a year, first confirming their relationship on Instagram in August 2021.
Hart also shared the news on Instagram, posting three photographs of herself and Rason holding ultrasound scans.
“Family is so important to both of us, it was a value that bonded us right from the start and we are so excited to become a family of our own in March,” Hart said.
Although Hart had previously frozen her eggs and planned to start IVF, she revealed she had conceived naturally with Rason.
“Interestingly enough, we got pregnant unexpectedly because the app that was telling us the fertile window was SO out. So much so that if we’d started trying in January as planned, we probably wouldn’t have fallen pregnant as we would have been nowhere near the ovulation days,” Hart wrote.
“We were told earlier this year that if we hadn’t fallen pregnant within 6 months of starting trying, it would be straight to IVF. Life has a funny way eh!”
Speaking on Loose Women, Hart told viewers the couple will not find out the sex of the baby as they want to keep it a surprise for themselves. “I do surprises for everyone else but I ruin every one for me, so no we’re not finding out,” she said.
Mindful of how trying to conceive can be a difficult time for some couples, Hart said she would not be having a baby shower.
Instead, she will host a “sip and see party” – a gathering for her friends to come and see her newborn following the birth.
“I don’t love a baby shower because if you’ve got a friend who’s trying for a baby, it makes them uncomfortable so they’ll have a sip and see party,” Hart said.