BOTHELL, Wash.—Dust off the boat shoes; pull that captain’s hat out of the closet; and get ready for an IP excursion in Amsterdam during IBC 2023, Sept. 15-18, at the RAI.
The IP Showcase is returning to the event thanks to the Audio Engineering Society (AES), Alliance for IP Media Solutions (AIMS), Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA), European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) and the Video Services Forum.
This year’s edition of the showcase occur aboard boats cruising the city’s historic canals on Sept. 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Boats will depart from Strandzuid, located near RAI Amsterdam at Europlaplein 22, 1078 GZ Amsterdam, event organizers said.
Six one-hour cruises, each accommodating up to 35 attendees, will feature two 20-minute sessions from top IP experts. In total, 12 presentations are planned on a wide range of IP-related topics, they said.
To learn more about various open IP-in-media standards and specifications, visit: AIMS, IPMX, AES, AMWA, EBU, SMPTE and VSF Technical Recommendations webpages.