If you love audiobooks and saving money, then this Audible Cyber Monday sale is the perfect discount for you.
Audible Premium Plus is Amazon's top-tier subscription to its audiobook platform, unlocking thousands of audiobooks, podcasts, and other exclusive content. You get to listen to the back catalog of included titles and you get one new release or best seller to add to your catalog every month. There are also great deals and discounts to be had on titles. Normally, you'd pay $15 a month for this privilege, but right now you can get four months of the premium service for less than $6 a month. What's more, if you sign up you'll get a $20 Audible credit to spend on anything you want. After your four-month discount period, the service will revert to its original price, unless you cancel. This deal is only live until November 27, so you've only got until Cyber Monday to sign up.
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4 months of Audible Premium Plus for $6/mo
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The good thing about the Audible is you can cancel at any time and keep all the audio books that you've downloaded, there are thousands of titles to choose from, and most books will come narrated by the author. If you haven't experienced audiobooks before (where have you been), they're basically books in podcast form that make trudging through pages more interesting and convenient, given you can listen to them while commuting, at the gym, or anywhere else for that matter, all without a book in hand.