Amazon's second headquarters
Boston is a front runner
But Jackson is trying to even things up by using Walsh's proposal to bring —and some other big corporate entities—to Boston against him. This is a fraught issue in Boston, where longtime locals are tired of competing with highly-paid tech workers for apartments, parking spaces, and services.
By some accounts—but none from Amazon itself— for the HQ2 priz
"Mayor Walsh has expedited the , has expedited the Grand Prix, has expedited GE. You know what? We're tired of corporations being put forward and fast tracked while our young people are playing second fiddle," Jackson said during Tuesday night's mayoral debate.
Walsh did initially support a plan to host before rejecting it. And Walsh did back a bid to bring an IndyCar race to South Boston before Walsh had more success getting (GE) to move its headquarters with 800 jobs to Boston from Connecticut last year. To get that deal, the city agreed to provide over 20 years. Walsh and proponents say Boston will more than recoup any tax breaks in increased business from GE and its ecosystem.
Jackson's point is that those taxes are needed to improve schools and services for Boston's underserved communities.
Walsh maintained that city's Amazon bid contained no giveaways. Unlike some other towns, he noted pointedly, Boston did not promise any incentives up front. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, on the other hand, backed included $7 billion in incentives.
Amazon (AMZN) started soliciting bids in September. At that time, the Seattle-based retail, technology, and media giant said it would invest up to $5 billion in the new site, which will employ up to 50,000 high-salaried people over time. Proposals were due October 19.
Some see HQ2 as the brass ring: What city doesn't want more good jobs for its citizens? Others think the unlucky "winner" would see , further exacerbation of the rich-poor divide, and increased stress on public services including schools, roads, and mass transit.
Jackson's feelings on inducements to were known before Tuesday. Earlier this month, he said Boston should to locate to the New England city.
Meanwhile, back at Amazon's home base in the Pacific Northwest, the company's decision to put a massive facility somewhere else is a bitter pill to some. Seattle, like Boston, is dealing with gentrification and soaring housing costs.
During its own mayoral debate—also Tuesday night—former U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan described the showing 238 cities and regions vying to be HQ2. "Part of it breaks my heart," she said, according to tech news site . "We’ve got these challenges, there’s no question Seattle has grown too fast." But Seattle should not roll up the welcome mat, she added.
Her opponent, urban planner Cary Moon, said Seattle has not kept track with growth, and she warned future HQ2 cities not to repeat its mistake.
"We have not planned in advance for all the growth that Amazon brought," Moon said. "So we need some time to catch up, so I would advise other cities to plan the growth in advance, understand what it’s going to cost, and make sure Amazon is going to help pay for it, because I’m not sure we did that well enough here."
Election Day in the U.S. this fall is Tuesday, November 7.
Related: Amazon Reveals Plan for $5 Billion Second North American Headquarters
the 2024 summer Olympics other backers nixed it. General Electric $25 million in property tax abatements Newark's proposal, whichRelated: Amazon HQ2 Will Most Likely Be in One of These Cities
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