Events galore are in motion this year to ensure Yes stays top of the agenda and one of the biggest blockades to success is the lack of knowledge that they are in fact happening.
That is why we have created this list to keep everyone up-to-date. It will be updated constantly so keep checking in. If you or a group have an event, let us know at
Sat 18: Believe in Scotland are to host Creating Scotland: A Celebration of Burns and Scottish Culture. Location: Adelaide Place, 209 Bath Street, Glasgow. Tickets here.
Thu 20: Scotonomics are to host pre-festival panels Economics of the Real World and Economics of Independence. Location: Leith Dockers Club 17-17a, Academy Street, Leith, Edinburgh. Tickets here.
Fri 21 - Sat 22: Festival of Economics hosted by Scotonomics. More than 20 sessions covering aspects of the Scottish, UK and global economy with academics, activists, economists, policymakers, politicians and the public come together to discuss people, place and planet. Details here.
Sat 22: SNP National Conference/Constitutional Conference. The party will hold a Constitutional Conference that will seek to effect the constitutional changes proposed by the governance and transparency review.
Sat 12: Scottish Greens Spring Conference