Finding every Genshin Impact Dendroculus location is a huge task, as there are Dendroculus orbs scattered all over the Sumeru region, and thanks to previous updates the total number has increased since their initial launch – meaning there are now 271 Dendroculi in total to locate! While this could feel like an insurmountable task if you faced it alone, you can relax a little as we're here to help. By using the Genshin Impact Dendroculus location maps below, you'll find helpful farming routes to follow so you can upgrade your Statues of the Seven in no time, and grab those sweet Primogems as a reward!
As many Dendroculus locations are hidden behind World Quests, it’s usually a good idea to finish them first. The most important ones are the Aranyaka, Golden Slumber, Dual Evidence, Dirge of Bilqis, and Khvarena of Good and Evil World Quests. We’ll also mention the World Quest requirements in the Dendroculus location descriptions below.
Genshin Impact Lokapala Jungle Dendroculus locations

- Deep underground in a cave opened during the Kusava stage of the Aranyaka quest.
- Atop a giant mushroom in a bubble of light, use nearby Dendrogranum to disable the tethers forming the bubble.
- Underneath a big mushroom at the top of its stalk; look for a grapple point.
- Floating way up in the air, activate a hidden air vent by hitting the roaming Dendro sprite with Electro, then activate the flower using the Aranyaka lyre.
- On top of a giant mushroom; look for a bouncy mushroom nearby.
- Look on top of a large rock.
- On top of the mountain; hit a nearby plant with Dendro to spawn grappling hooks.
- Ground level under a mushroom in front of a cave.
- Under a small arch.
- On top of a big mushroom.
- On top of a giant mushroom located in a cave; look for the cave entrance just southwest.
- Floating in front of a waterfall.
- At the top of the palace spire.
- Floating under a protruding rock.
- Found underground in a cave unlocked through the Aranyaka quest.
- Also found underground in a cave unlocked through the Aranyaka quest; unlocked by disabling shell of light with Dendrogranum.
- Floating high in the air; use Electro to reveal a special mushroom which lets you reach this Dendroculus.
- In a sealed pit unlocked during the Aranyaka quest.
- Clear the nearby withering and grab it atop a mushroom.
- On top of some trees with grappling points.
- Underground in a cave; look for an entrance to the southeast where the road splits off.
Genshin Impact Avidya Forest Dendroculus locations

- Past a wall of roots cleared during the Aranyaka quest.
- By a grappling point just outside of Tighnari and Collei's hut.
- On top of the giant tree.
- Inside the big hollowed out tree.
- Under a rock; use Dendro on the roots to raise the rock.
- Floating under the bridge.
- Under the stone arch.
- Floating up above; clear the Withering and use Electro on the mushroom to bounce up to it.
- Way up in the air; use Electro on the mushroom to bounce up to it.
- Floating over a boulder; use Electro on the mushroom to bounce up to it.
- At the very tip of the giant tree in the heart of the city.
Genshin Impact Ardravi Valley Dendroculus locations

- On a tree.
- In a cave unlocked during the Aranyaka quest; lower the water level of the area to access it.
- Inside a mossy cog.
- On top of a boulder.
- Under a rock; clear the Withering to raise it.
- Through the orb-like door opened during the Aranyaka quest.
- Up on the cliff.
- Tucked in a small cave.
- Floating up high by the fallen tree; use a grappling hook or climb to reach it.
- Floating under the stone bridge.
- Floating up above; clear the Withering and use Electro on the mushroom to bounce up to it.
- Under a rock; clear the Withering to raise it.
- On top of a hut.
- In a cog on the surface.
- Inside a log on the ground.
- On top of a building.
- Floating over the water; swim to it, or spawn grappling hooks that cover the river.
- Locked in a bubble of light; use the Lyre from the Aranyaka quest to unlock it.
- In a large cave tied to the Aranyaka quest; the entrance is on the east side of the Ruin Golem.
- On top of the mountain; look for a plant that spawns grappling hooks.
- Locked in a bubble of light; collect the nearby flowers to spawn Whopperflowers, then defeat them.
- Locked in a bubble of light; use Dendrogranums to disable the bubble tethers.
- On top of a stone sphere.
- In a tree on the cliffside.
- Inside a rock; you'll need the Lyre from the Aranyaka quest.
- In a hut on top of the mountain.
- Floating above the cog tower.
- Inside the Ruin Golem's first finger.
- In the Ruin Golem's eye.
- Under the Ruin Golem's arm.
- In a tree stump.
- On a hammock.
Genshin Impact Ashavan Realm Dendroculus locations

- Deep underground in a cave; the entrance is off the river to the north at the Fane of Ashvattha. You'll lower the water level during the Aranyaka quest by exploring nearby ruins.
- Under a rock; clear the Withering to raise it .
- On top of a tree.
- Clear the Withering to raise the rock.
- On top of a hut.
- In a bubble of light; summon Healthy Dendrogranum using the Lyre from the Aranyaka quest to break it.
- On top of a stone statue.
- On top of the spire.
- Behind a gate locked with Dendro energy; you'll need the Lyre from the Aranyaka quest.
- In an Aranara cave; use the Lyre from the Aranyaka quest to activate the teleporter.
- Clear another patch of Withering to uproot the rock hiding this one.
- On top of the giant tree.
- In a secret Aranara area; use the Lyre from the Aranyaka quest to open the portal.
- Underground in a cave opened during the Aranyaka quest.
- At the tip of the branches covering the mountain summit.
- Another Withering Dendroculus; clear it out and look under the raised rock.
- In a cave opened during the Aranyaka quest; use Electro on a mushroom to reach it.
- Under a wooden platform.
- More Withering; clear the area and then grab it under the rooted rock.
- Floating above the water's surface.
- In a pit opened during the Aranyaka quest.
- At the top of the tree over a mushroom; use Electro to jump up.
- Clear the Withering in the area then look for the Dendroculus nearby.
- Suspended way up in the air; use grappling hooks between the giant trees to reach it.
- Floating in front of the waterfall.
- Under the giant tree; run to the top of the rocks inside and then glide over to it.
- In front of the waterfall.
- In tree roots on the south side of this tree.
- One more Withering Dendroculus; look under a nearby rock after clearing the area.
Genshin Impact Vanarana, Vissudha Field, Lost Nursery Dendroculus locations

- On top of the hut in the Aranara village.
- Inside the big tree trunk.
- In a cave; look for the entrance to the east.
- Through a cave opened during the Aranyaka quest.
- Underground in a cave opened during the Aranyaka quest.
- In a tent.
- Over the waterfall.
- In a cave through a tiny hole on the north wall.
- Also deep underground in a cave; the entrance is off the river to the north at the Fane of Ashvattha. You'll lower the water level during the Aranyaka quest by exploring nearby ruins.
- In the same cave as 9, but in an earlier chamber.
- Clear out the Withering and use Electro on a mushroom to bounce up to this one.
- At the top of a small mountain.
- In a secret area unlocked during the Aranyaka quest. Climb the spiral tree in the back.
- In the same secret area as 13, but under a rock which you can raise using Dendro.
- Get rid of the Withering and then look under the raised rock.
- In a pit.
- By a small cave.
Genshin Impact Land of Lower Setekh Dendroculus locations

- On top of the stone gate.
- Go inside the building and drop down. The Dendroculus is hidden behind a broken wall in the third room.
- Also inside, lower ground. It’s inside the final room, above the door opening.
- On top of the large building, Khaj-Nisut.
- Inside Khaj-Nisut. If you missed it during the Golden Slumber quest, you can re-enter once you have full clearance. In that case; drop down one level, take the hallway to the east, then drop down further.
- Inside the building. Drop down one level; it’s behind the large statue.
- On top of a rock.
- On top of the natural bridge, hidden behind three wooden boxes.
- Floating in an opening in the ground.
- In front of the stone building.
- On top of the house next to the Teleport Waypoint.
- High up on the cliffs, slightly shielded by an overhanging rock.
- In the underground area. Starting from the nearby Domain, it’s to your right.
- Floating in front of the building that leads into the tunnels.
- Inside the building, you’ll see it after completing the challenge. To get there, follow the tunnels starting from the location of Dendroculus number 14.
- On top of the hound statue (underground, you can reach it through the tunnels).
- On top of a palm tree, next to the oasis.
- On an elevator platform in the room with the two large hound statues.
- Follow the tunnels from the previous location and take the next elevator upwards. The Dendroculus is above you.
- Same room as number 19.
- Continue from location number 19, take the door to the northeast (destroy the rocks). Take the elevator at the end of the hallway to reach this Dendroculus location.
- In a hole in the ground.
- Follow the tunnel beneath location 22. Destroy the wall in front of you, then the one on the right to find the Dendroculus.
Genshin Impact Land of Upper SetekhDendroculus locations

- On a tree.
- Edge of the cliff, not far from the Teleport.
- On top of the Fatui Camp.
- Go through the large crack northwest of the Statue of the Seven. The Dendroculus is inside the cave.
- On a cliff above the Teleport Waypoint. Use the Four-Leaf Sigils.
- In a large room underground. There’s a large doorway down the cliffs to the north, but it requires a password. You can get the password by following the Eremite girl (don’t kill her).
- Next to the tree, in front of the ancient building.
- On a barren tree, high up the cliffs.
- Floating above the massive Ruin Golem (outside).
- Inside the Ruin Golem, near the wall. It can be accessed during the Afratu’s Dilemma World Quest.
- Inside a room next to the previous Dendroculus location.
- After operating the Ruin Golem, enter the cave in the southwest. The Dendroculus is in the large room.
- After operating the Ruin Golem, enter the cave next to the little pond (northwest). The Dendroculus is floating inside.
Genshin Impact Hypostyle Desert North Dendroculus locations

- Top of the wind current, next to the Teleport.
- Inside the building. You can reach it through the tunnels north of the Teleport Waypoint (previous location). Complete the puzzles to reach the Dendroculus.
- On top of the stone ruin (above ground).
- Complete the hourglass puzzle (above ground).
- Activate the square and fly up with the current (above ground).
- Next to the high cliff (above ground).
- Use the wind current south of The Dune of Carouses to reach it (above ground).
- Enter the ancient building and make sure the switch in front of you is blue. Go left, and then right.
- A bit below the top of the cliff (above ground).
- In the opening leading to the ruins underground.
- Above ground, floating on top of the underground ruins.
- In the room with the boat (below ground).
- In the hallway north of the room with the hourglass challenge. You need to complete Dual Clearance to gain enough clearance to open the door.
- If you walk up to the Mausoleum of King Deshret, it’s before the final staircase outside, hidden between some stone walls.
- Use the Teleport to the south, and you will see the Dendroculus floating in front of you. Operate the mechanism below (Anemo pillars) to create a wind current.
- Start from the Teleport to the southwest, then take the door to the right in the large hall. Drop a few floors and follow the path until you find the Dendroculus in front of the large fan.
- Go to the Teleport in the northwest, but instead of entering the large hall, go back through the tunnels. On the northside of the large cave area, unseal the door to find the Dendroculus.
- Starting from the Teleport in the east, go to the large central room and take the door to the north. Turn right, and then right again.
- The same as location 18, but mirrored. Take the door to the south, then go left twice.
- Start from the Teleport to the north. Follow the tunnel south and you’ll see the Dendroculus on a stone pillar.
- Starting from the Teleport north of this location, follow the tunnel to the south and keep going until you reach the large room with the Seelie (after guiding it). The Seelie is high up on the wall. Avoid the invisible floor by climbing up from the side.
- Start from the Teleport in the north again, but take the higher path (upstairs, between the massive statues) instead of the tunnels. Keep going until you see the Dendroculus in the Great Hall of Truths.
- Start from the Teleport in the southeast. It’s on the stone ruin behind the left statue (there are two large statues in the north). Use the Four-Leaf Sigils.
- Start from the same teleport as location 23, but go through the tunnels below (right side). Keep going until you see it on top of a large statue.
- Starting from location 24, take the tunnels to the west and keep following the main path until you reach a Withering zone. The Dendroculus is on the tree.
- On top of The Mausoleum of King Deshret (outside), but below the floating part. You can reach it by climbing.
Genshin Impact Hypostyle Desert South Dendroculus locations

- On the roof, you can climb there.
- Next to the stone ruin (above ground). Light the Pyro mechanisms.
- Enter the underground ruins at location number 2, then follow the path until you reach the Dendroculus.Beneath the building. Follow the path until you find access to the caves below.
- Start from the nearest Teleport (east). Take the higher tunnels leading to the northwest. It’s on the giant mushroom.
- Enter the small ruins to the south (the building southwest of the Dune of Magma). Follow the path until you see the Dendroculus in front of you.
- Northeast of the nearby Teleport Waypoint, you can see it in front of you.
- Start from the Teleport directly north of this location. Go southwards through the cave system until you reach the large open area. It’s on the right side, in the wooden structure.
Genshin Impact Desert of Hadramaveth Dendroculus locations south

- On top of the old tree trunk, above the ravine.
- Inside a cave entrance below.
- Continue through the tunnels from the previous location. The Dendroculus is above your head.
- Close to the Teleport Waypoint (above ground). Look for an opening in the old stone building.
- On a platform in the sand. Best to glide down from a higher location.
- On the rocks northeast of the Teleport Waypoint.
- Inside the building, use the Four-Leaf Sigil to fly up.
- On a broken pillar down the gorge. Glide down from the nearby Waypoint.
- Down the ravine, next to a massive statue.
- Behind a stone wall, which can only be broken during the Apocalypse Lost quest. To reach the Dendroculus, use the invisible path that starts at the stone pillar on the left. Use the Four-Leaf Sigil to fly up there.
- On a tree, just below the top of the cliffs.
- At the top of the high cliff. Use a Geo Construct, Wind Catcher, or Anemo Skill to get it.
- It’s inside a whirlwind. You need to obtain the ‘Jinni in the Magic Bottle: Liloupar’ gadget from the Dirge of Bilqis World Quest to reach the Dendroculus.
- On top of the rocks, floating on an old tree.
- Glide down the ravine. It’s roughly halfway down, on an overhanging rock.
- Go to the nearby Teleport Waypoint, then walk north until you see a large crater. The Dendroculus is floating inside that crater, above the boss.
- Inside the Wenut Tunnels. After unlocking the City of the Deceased Domain, follow the path towards the south until you reach a large open area with a Lawachurl. The Dendroculus location is above your head, follow the path upwards (on your left hand) until you see a porous stone wall (see picture below). Destroy it to reveal the Dendroculus.

- Start from the City of the Deceased Domain again, then follow the path south. This time, interact with the small pile of stones on the path to reveal an opening in the ground. Glide down, then follow the path northeast until you see a slightly higher ledge with two Fungi and a sealed chest. The Dendroculus is next to this chest, hidden inside a hole in the rocks. It’s quite hard to spot, but if you use the Four Leaf Sigil above your head, you’ll be able to see it.
- Floating on a tree.
- Floating high in the air. Use the Dendrogranum to remove the Dendro barriers and light up the Dendro pillars. This will create a wind current needed to reach the Dendroculus.
- It’s underground. Do the Dirge of Bilqis quest to unlock the Teleport Waypoint, then run northeast and use the Four-Leaf Sigils to fly up.
- Inside the Orchard (unlocked during the Dirge of Bilqis World Quest). The Dendroculus is floating just above ground, next to a fallen tree.
- From the previous location, keep running east until you see a green slope. The Dendroculus is at the foot of this slope, just above the water.
- On an overhanging rock.
- In the Golem’s eye, you’ll reach it during the Dirge of Bilqis quest.
- You’ll come across it during the Dirge of Bilqis quest, it’s in an underground room beneath a broken stone staircase.
- Once you’ve unlocked the nearby Teleport Waypoint during the Dirge of Bilqis, start from there, run south, and go right when possible. The Dendroculus is inside the cave area.
- After unlocking the Teleport Waypoint during the Dirge of Bilqis questline, start from there and go south, jump down through the crack in the ground, and when you reach the underground pool, take the path north. The Dendroculus is in front of the massive stone statue.
- After Dirge of Bilqis, you can walk south from the nearby Teleport, walk up the staircase, and find the Dendroculus in the square opening.
- From the nearby Teleport Waypoint, take the route to the southwest, then stick to the left. You will see a lower path with a large root above it. The Dendroculus is on that root.
Genshin Impact Desert of Hadramaveth Dendroculus locations north

- On a rock, glide down from the nearby Teleport Waypoint.
- Floating between two cliffs. It looks unreachable, but you can walk over an invisible bridge.
- Inside a rock, locked behind a Dendro seal.
- Halfway down the gorge, sitting on a tree.
- After unlocking the underground Teleport Waypoint during Dirge of Bilqis, you can teleport there and walk north to find the Dendroculus inside a hallway, on a large root.
- Walk over from the nearby Teleport Waypoint, the Dendroculus is on top of a large cactus.
- Underground, reachable during the Dirge of Bilqis quest. It’s very far below ground, in the middle of the massive pit. Before you reach the stone floor at the bottom, you’ll see the Dendroculus floating on a tree.
- Floating very high up. Light the nearby Anemo pillar, fly up the wind current, then use the Four-Leaf Sigil to land on an invisible platform.
- On a tree, on top of the cliff.
- You can’t see it from the outside, but it’s inside an Eremite tent (above ground).
- Once you’ve unlocked the Orchard during the Dirge of Bilqis World Quest, turn left immediately after entering the Orchard. The Dendroculus is inside a tree, next to a path.
- On a cactus.
- Inside the rock with the Dendro Seal (use Dendrogranum).
- On a high ledge, about halfway up the cliffs.
- On a ridge just south of the path. It’s not very high up.
- Floating between the two high cliffs, next to the Shrine of Depths. Use the Four-Leaf Sigil.
- Inside the sealed Dendro rock, there’s a Dendrogranum nearby.
- On the cliff, inside a sealed Dendro rock.
- On the overhanging rocks just above the path through the gorge.
- Floating in the air, about halfway down the gorge.
- On top of the cliff, surrounded by three Ruin Guards.
- On a ridge, not far above the path through the ravine (no need to do a World Quest).
- On top of a stone ruin.
- Floating next to a high cliff.
- Approach from the west and you’ll see a cage door behind a Fatui camp. The Dendroculus is left of that door (no need to open it).
Genshin Impact Girdle of the Sands Dendroculus locations

- On top of the Hilichurl camp.
- On the higher platform above the domain, floating on top of a cactus.
- Floating on a wooden pole. It’s placed on a high rock about halfway down the gorge.
- Follow the path south from the nearby Statue of the Seven, then enter a cave area on the right side of the path. Glide down until you see the Dendroculus on a wooden platform (facing east). Important: you can’t access this cave until you’ve completed the Khvarena of Good and Evil World Quest.
- On the highest point of the mountain, floating above the big pointy rock.
- Underground, reachable during the Khvarena of Good and Evil World Quest. In case you missed it, use the underground Teleport Waypoint (northwest of this Dendroculus location), and take the corridor towards the south. You’ll eventually reach a large boiler room with a stream of lava; the Dendroculus is floating in front of it.
- Next to the high cliff, east side.
- On top of a large pointy rock, just south of the path.
- Look inside the half-buried golem lying in the sand.
- On top of the Hilichurl camp.
- Floating next to the high mountain, north side. It’s easiest to glide down and grab it.
- After unlocking a nearby Teleport Waypoint during the Khvarena of Good and Evil World Quest, drop down through the tunnel below it. You’ll land on a small platform with a flower shape. The Dendroculus is underneath this platform.
- Starting from the same underground Teleport Waypoint mentioned in the previous location, simply go west through the massive fan and you’ll see the Dendroculus floating in front of you, in the room with the many ropes.
- Floating in the middle of the large hole in the ground. You can actually grab it without doing a World Quest, in which case the hole has a purple glow instead of bright green.
- Floating near the top of the massive grey spike. There’s a Four-Leaf Sigil you may use.
- Go to the top of the mountain. The Dendroculus is floating on a slightly lower ledge on the south side.
- Just like Dendroculus location 16, it’s just below the top of the high mountain. Glide down from the west side of the cliff to pick it up.
- You can spot it from the nearby underground Teleport Waypoint (west of this Dendroculus location). It’s on top of the massive spine-shaped remains.
- Starting from the underground Teleport Waypoint mentioned in location 18, take the tunnel towards the east. The Dendroculus is hidden in a secret room: shortly after entering the tunnel, look for a breakable wall on your right (try Elemental Vision). Break the wall, then follow the Farrwick (green orb) as it unlocks a secret door. Follow the tunnel, and you’ll see the Dendroculus floating above you once you reach a larger, open space.
- Do the Khvarena of Good and Evil World Quest. If you missed this Dendroculus, go back to the underground machine room with the shiny yellow pillars. Take the door to the west, and follow the tunnel until you see the Dendroculus on your right.
- Another Dendroculus you’ll come across during Khvarena of Good and Evil. It’s inside the massive room with the large, round platform and a Ruin Canon in the middle. Right after entering this room, you’ll find the Dendroculus on the left side, on a higher platform.
- Floating above the water, not hard to reach from any of the surrounding cliffs.
- This one’s underground, only reachable during the Khvarena of Good and Evil quest. Starting from the underground Teleport Waypoint in the west, take the tunnel to the north until you reach the room with the large drainage system. The Dendroculus is high up, but you can use a wind current to reach it.
- Quite high up the mountains, beneath the overhanging rock.
- On the high mountain, floating above a tree.
- In the lower oasis, inside a large tree trunk.
- Floating high up in the sky, east of the large cliff. You’ll need the Sorush gadget (obtained from the Khvarena of Good and Evil World Quest) to reach it.
- Just east of the nearby Statue of the Seven. The Dendroculus is on top of the large root.
- Floating high above the tree. To reach it, break the crystal on the ground and pick up the Four-Leaf Sigil using your Sorush gadget to place it next to the Dendroculus. Open the Dendro bloom platform in the sky, which will reveal the second Four-Leaf Sigil you need.
- To reach this Dendroculus, use Dendro on the Dendro Bloom southwest of this location (just across the water). This will spawn the Four-Leaf Sigils needed to fly up.
- On top of the rock formation.
- After using the nearby Teleport Waypoint, glide underneath the overhanging rocks, where you’ll find the Dendroculus.
- Starting from that same Teleport Waypoint again, if you cross the same natural bridge towards the north, you’ll see the Dendroculus on a tree in front of you.
- Up the mountain, floating above a Treasure Hoarder camp.
- On a large root, overhanging the path below.
- On top of the massive tree with the pink, flowy leaves. You’ll be able to climb it.
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