Alex Jones lawyers accidentally sent his text messages to the prosecution
InfoWars founder and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has finished testifying in the defamation damages trial against him over his claims that the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting massacre, which saw 20 children and six adults killed, was a hoax.
He was taken to court in Austin, Texas, by Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, the parents of Jesse Lewis, who was six years old when he was killed in the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. Both gave impassioned testimony when in the witness box, with Ms Lewis able to confront Jones and look him straight in the eye when speaking about her son.
Jones is facing potential damages of up to $150m. The radio host underwent uncomfortable cross-examination on Wednesday morning when much of what he testified was refuted by the plaintiff’s attorney and he was asked if he was aware of what perjury was.
During questioning Jones was confronted not just with what he had said about Sandy Hook, but also about the judge and jury in the case. It also transpired that his own lawyer had mistakenly shared the entire contents of Jones’ phone with the opposition legal team — this is now reportedly being sought by the House select committee looking into the events surrounding 6 January 2021 in Washington, DC, when Jones was in the city.
The jury is now deliberating.