What you need to know
- Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition first launched on Windows PC back in 2019, with Xbox consoles versions being released on Jan. 31, 2023.
- Return of Rome is an upcoming DLC pack for the game that was first announced during the 25th anniversary celebration for the franchise last year.
- World's Edge studio shared that Return of Rome is now slated to be available on May 16, 2023.
Ready for even more Age of Empires?
As shared via the official Age of Empires Twitter account, the next expansion for Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition, Return of Rome, is now slated to launch on May 16, 2023. This DLC, appropriately enough, sees the return of the Roman Empire and some other playable civilizations from the first Age of Empires and its expansion, The Rise of Rome.
The Return of Rome was first revealed back during the 25th anniversary celebration of the Age of Empires franchise, where we also learned that Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition and Age of Empires 4 would be coming to Xbox consoles, alongside the announcement of the Age of Mythology remaster.
In our Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition Xbox review, staff writer Rebecca Spear wrote that "I'm happy to report that while not entirely perfect, Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition feels very good to play on Xbox."
Windows Central's take
I echo my colleague Rebecca in her sentiments about Age of Empires 2, it's amazing how well it works on Xbox console. While I personally am most interested in the Age of Mythology remaster, it's cool that Return of Rome is coming next month, showing just how much life this decades-old game continues to find through the remaster.