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The National (Scotland)
The National (Scotland)
Laura Pollock

Activists tell us why Language consultation is key for survival of Scots and Gaelic

Tae me, the Bill seems kind o vague, an am howpin thay hiv mair concrete plans on whit thay actual plan tae dae tae heeze up the leid. A hink it taks mair nor gien mair fundin tae the bodies thit we awready hiv tae help the leid. We'r needin tae pit it in the same position as Gaelic. We need telly an radio in Scots, signs, products, etc.

A want tae turn on the telly an watch programmes in Scots, or git ma news in the leid online, juist like Gaelic fowk git tae dae nou.

Marco Cafolla, 28, Independent Games Developer from North Lanarkshire


To me, the Bill seems kind of vague, and I’m hoping they have more concrete plans on what they actually plan to do to lift up the language. I think it talks more than gives more funding to the bodies that we already have to help the language. We’re needing to put it in the same position as Gaelic. We need TV and radio in Scots, signs, products, etc.

I want to turn on the TV and watch programmes in Scots, or get my news in the language online, just like Gaelic folk get to do now.

Marco Cafolla, 28, Independent Games Developer from North Lanarkshire

Chan eil one size fits all policy air obrachadh airson na coimhearsnachdan anns na h-eileanan. Cumaidh an cànan a’ dol a’ crìonadh mura faigh na coimhearsnachdan barrachd cumhachd agus smachd air na gnìomhan aca fhèin.

Tha feum air measadh ciallach air pròiseactan a tha ag amas air an cànan a neartachadh. Chan e dìreach co mheud a tha a’ gabhail pàirt. Bu chòir fianais a bhith againn airson na dòigh obrach a tha soirbheachail agus eisimpleirean bho dhùthchannan eile, agus rannsachadh nuair nach eil cùisean ag obrachadh ach an ionnsaich sinn bho na suidheachaidhean.

Cairistìona NicLeòid à Taobh Siar Leòdhais


One size fits all policy has not worked for the communities in the islands. The language will continue to decline if the communities do not gain more power and control over their own activities.

Projects aimed at strengthening the language need sensible evaluation. It's not just how many are participating. We should have evidence of methodologies that are successful and examples from other countries, and research when things don’t work so that we can learn from these situations.

Christina McLeod from West Lewis

The Scottish Languages Bill is an opportunity for us to create a Scots language board, dedicated to the preservation of Oor Leid. While some might feel languages develop better organically, without the interference of government, Scots and its speakers have throughout modern history faced discrimination and little official protection.

This Bill and the creation of a Scots language board will ensure Scots is seen as a language appropriate for all occasions, whether that be the workplace, the home or the classroom.

Andrew, 29, civil servant

I’d personally love to see more Scots being used in media and broadcasting. With the retirement of Dr Robbie Shepherd, the ability to hear the Scots language in a prime-time radio show was gone. Instead of hearing Scots used in a documentary about Scots, I want to see other shows about other subjects being commissioned but using the Scots language. 

We need the next generation of speakers, activists, singers, educators, scrievers and poets to feel positive about their sense of cultural identity. This is only going to be achieved if these speakers see and hear themselves in media and broadcasting.

Iona Fyfe, 24, singer from Glasgow

Tha dòchas agam a thaobh na ghabhas dèanamh le na cothroman a thig a-mach à sgìre ‘Gàidhealtachd’. Mar a tha mise ga fhaicinn, bheireadh sin cothrom dhuinn barrachd airgid fhaighinn on Riaghaltas, agus bhiodh cothrom againn poileasaidhean a chur an gnìomh, dha na sgìrean Gàidhealach, a nì feum dha na bacaidhean sòiseo-eaconamach – a leithid taigheadais, croitean, agus obraichean – a tha a’ toirt a leithid de bhuaidh air cor na Gàidhlig an-dràsda.

Pàdruig Moireasdan à Griomasaigh


I am optimistic about what can be done with the opportunities that will come out of Gàidhealtachd areas. As I see it, that would give us the opportunity to get more funding from the Government, and we would have the opportunity to implement policies, for the Gàidhealtachd areas. This will make progress possible with the socio-economic barriers - such as housing, crofts, and jobs - which are having such an impact on the current state of Gaelic.

Patrick Morrison from Grimsay

The consultation represents the first step in getting Scots the recognition it badly needs at a national level. My hope is the outcome will see the formation of a formal Scots Leid Body that has both the clout, and funding, to deliver against its objectives – we’ve done plenty talking, it’s time to take action to save oor leid for future generations! 

This consultation cannot fall into the trap of exploring our community’s ambitions, only to deliver a marginal improvement to what we have now – we must be bold!

Phil Reid, 49, Oor Vyce chair and Digital Strategy Consultant from Edinburgh

When Scoatlan become independent wur aa gonnae need a Scoats Language Board tae promote oor leid an bring aa dialects thegither. Doric in the nor earst is sae different fae the Boarders dialect fur example. Ah dearly hope there wull be a board.

Andrew McIntyre


When Scotland becomes independent, we’re all going to need a Scots Language Board to promote our language and bring all dialects together. Doric in the northeast is so different from the Borders dialect for example. I dearly hope there will be a board.

Andrew McIntyre

Tha e garbh cudromach gum freagair daoine an co-chomhairleachadh a tha seo is gun cluinnear beachd bho dhaoine thall 's a bhos a tha eòlach air an t-suidheachadh anns a' choimhearsnachdan agus anns na sgoiltean. Daoine a tha a' tuigsinn na tha a' tachairt ann am Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus na dh'fhaodadh a bhith a' tachairt ann, na tha ag obrachadh is na rudan a dh'fhaodadh a bhith air an neartachadh. 'S e cothrom air leth a tha seo dhuinne a tha an sàs ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig ar beachdan a thoirt don Riaghaltas gus am bi buaidh againne air an ath cheum ann an leasachadh ar cànain.

Fionnghal Nic an Aba às An Eilean Sgitheanach


"It is very important that people respond to this consultation and that the opinions of people around the country, who know the situation in the communities and in schools, are heard. People who understand what happening in Gaelic Medium Education and what could be happening, what is working and what could be strengthened. This is a great opportunity for us who are involved in the Gaelic world to give our views to the Government so that we can influence the next step in the development of our language."

Fiona MacNab from Skye

Ilka leid affuirds an anely wey o seein the warld and hus consequent leeterar potential, and Scots is nae exception. Houaniver, haein lairned Scots as a saicont leid, A hae seen that Scots is sair tae access, and there’s a lack o Scots-leid awaurness and eddication. A howp this consultation will pruive the need and the desire o Scottish fowk for better government action tae mak Scots mair accessible for lairners.

Joe Carstairs, 22, graduate software developer from Perth


Every language affords a unique way of seeing the world and has consequent literary potential, and Scots is no exception. However, having learned Scots as a second language, I have seen that Scots is difficult to access, and there’s a lack of Scots-language awareness and education. I hope this consultation will prove the need and the desire of Scottish people for better government action to make Scots more accessible for learners.

Joe Carstairs, 22, graduate software developer from Perth

At age nearing 65 it is somewhat astonishing to think back to being in primary school in northeast Scotland. Back then whilst we could speak Doric in the playground, and we all did, we were forbidden to speak it in the classroom. If we did, the punishment was to be brought out in front of the class and given a dose of the belt on each hand - yes, even at age five in primary one. Thank goodness we live in more enlightened times!

The Scots language is part of our heritage and should be fostered and encouraged at every level. The creation of a Scots Language Board as part of the Scots Language Bill would be a most welcome development in helping to achieve that.

Gavin Ross, 64, retired and from Brora

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