A man stood over his girlfriend wielding an axe and told her: "This is the end."
Anthony Fox subjected his partner to the terrifying ordeal during a six-month campaign of abuse. He also throttled her with clothing, destroyed 10 mobile phones belonging to her and left her fleeing a hotel room while half-dressed.
Liverpool Crown Court heard that the 37-year-old, formerly of an address in Widnes, and his victim entered a relationship in September 2021.
She moved out of her flat in order to live with Fox at his then home, but "domestic incidents" would occur every time he drank, reports Liverpool Echo.
These included taking her mobile phone and snapping it around 10 separate times, regularly threatening to kill her if she left him, controlling the passwords to her social media accounts, turning up uninvited on work nights out and assaulting her on "more than 10 occasions" - including pursuing her in his car and attempting to run into her.
Fox would apologise and replace her phones when sober, but things came to a head on March 4 last year - when the relationship came to a breaking point.

On that evening, Fox insisted on driving his victim to a meal with friends and picking her up afterwards and constantly texted her while she was out - leaving around 100 messages in total. He began drinking once they were back home and became angry, but went upstairs and fell asleep.
The following morning, the defendant demanded to see her phone and began hurling abuse again. She got in her car to go to work, but her car was blocked in by his.
Fox continued shouting at her and ordered her to get out of the car before pulling at the door handle with such force that he eventually ripped it off. His victim was able to drive off however, and went to a police station to report his months of abuse.
This included one incident in September 2021 at the St George's Park Hotel in Burton-on-Trent. The couple had been drinking with friends when Fox began accusing her of "making eyes" at another man, and once back in their room hurled her into a desk.
She managed to flee in a state of undress and locked herself in the car. He responded by smashing the rear passenger window and hitting her to the jaw with the back of his hand.
After returning home from a visit to the pub the following month, Fox struck her to the face with an open hand then took hold of an item of clothing, wrapped it around her neck and began strangling while saying he was "going to prison for a very long time". He added that he had "no choice but to do this" and told her that "this was how she was going to die".
The thug then took hold of an axe he kept by his bed, raised it over her and told her "this was the end". Fox also smashed her phone and Apple watch during the terrifying incident before hitting her to the nose with the palm of his hand and going to bed.
The victim bravely read an emotional statement to the court in which she said: "I am not the same ... I was when I met you. I can't love or trust again.
"What did I do wrong? Did I deserve everything you did to me?
"You treated me like a belonging. When the monster came out, I was scared for my life."
Fox - who previously served in logistics in the army reserves for six years - has a total of 19 previous convictions for 30 offences including assault occasioning actual bodily harm, but none since 2009.
Paul Wood, defending, told the court: "He has the ability to be able to stay out of trouble.
"He is somebody who does have some good qualities. He is a hard-working man and a committed father.
"The real crux of what has gone on here is alcohol. He knows it needs to be addressed.
"He is somebody who says he wants to change his life around. Once he gets out, he wants to put this behind him and become a positive member of society."
Fox admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm, battery, criminal damage and controlling and coercive behaviour. He was jailed for four years and 10 months and handed a restraining order for 10 years.
Sentencing, Judge Gary Woodhall said: "You behaved like a jealous partner seeking to control her movements. When you lost your temper, you became violent towards her.
"She felt completely trapped. She still finds it hard to put into words the effect of what you did had on her.
"You have apologised for your actions and expressed regret. You have acknowledged you have a problem with alcohol.
"There is clearly a significant degree of remorse and regret. Your antecedents show you have an ability to break the cycle of offending."