It’s been a while, but Crystal Dynamics announced a new Marvel’s Avengers update is in the works, adding a new Omega Level Threat and the Winter Soldier as a playable hero in the multiplayer game on Nov. 29, 2022. Winter Soldier is the first new playable character in the Marvel game since Thor, who debuted in June 2022, and comes nearly a year after Thor’s predecessor, Spider-Man.
Scott Porter, who portrayed Bucky the Winter Soldier in Lego Marvel’s Avengers, will return to voice the hero in Marvel’s Avengers. Crystal Dynamics said Bucky is unique among other heroes in that he’s almost entirely focused on attack, with a moveset that combines all-new skills with hints of Black Widow and Captain America.
The Winter Soldier’s skill tree lets you build him in several ways, including as a powerful direct attacker and a ranged marksman.
As for the new Omega Threat, Crystal Dynamics said it’s a new endgame challenge in an AIM Lab against multiple new foes that culminates in a multiplayer battle against a revamped version of MODOK. You’ll need a power level of 175 to start this activity.
From the sound of it, this new Marvel’s Avengers update is the last substantial one for a while. The dev team said future updates will continue balancing heroes so they all perform well, with no major imbalances.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF