Come on, it can’t just be me thinking it. In a parallel universe, Diana would be crowned Queen in a few days time.
Not just of hearts… properly. The People’s Princess promoted to the top job she was clearly destined for.
The most famous woman in the world is dead, so long live the most famous woman in the world.
Sigh. If only.
Everything would have felt so different, on Saturday and far beyond. We’d have feverishly anticipated the Coronation, been counting down the days. OMG WHAT WOULD SHE HAVE WORN? (*faints*)
There would have been a level of excitement, style and razzmatazz not seen in this country since… well, Diana was in her heyday. That sprinkle of impalpable magic added to anything she was involved with.
Harry and Meghan would have been there, side by side with William and Kate, happily fully taking part because none of that would have happened.
Granny Diana would also have arranged for Archie’s fourth birthday to be acknowledged too – or, you know, ensured the Coronation was scheduled on a different day in the first place, so his parents were spared that impossible choice. Sigh. If only.
There would have been so many extra layers if it had been Queen Diana I’s day. We could have enjoyed watching Charles try to pretend not to mind that no one was looking at him.
We would have been itching to see the family portrait released to mark the occasion, hoping she had kindred spirit(ed) Louis on her lap.
We could have had a concert performed by the creme de la creme – Harry Styles and Adele (who have both declined) duetting on Yas Dancing Queen – rather than three of Take That and Lionel Richie.
One extra bank holiday wouldn’t have been nearly enough, it would have had to be extended to a full week so everyone had enough time to celebrate thoroughly enough.
It would be like that horrendous, dark period of national mourning after Diana’s death, but the exact opposite. And after Saturday, we would have had an iconic, inspiring monarchy, which could have gone on to make a real difference.
Using her famous sensitivity and star power, Diana could begin to heal the division in our country. Championing unpopular causes, empathising with those who are struggling, bridging the gap between the people and those in their ivory towers.
There would be much less chat about whether Britain needs the monarchy or not, because she’d be doing so much, so visibly, in such incredible outfits.
We would have been interested in her every move, rather than just wondering how long it’ll be before William gets a go.
In short, if Diana were to be there on Saturday it would be a Cor!-onation instead of a bore-onation. Sigh. If only.