A nine-month-old girl, who was previously reported kidnapped in a stolen SUV in Alabama, may not actually have been abducted and the car not stolen, as she was found in a kudzu across the street still strapped into her father’s car.
Parrish police in Alabama had reported Harlow Darby Freeman was “kidnapped at approximately 6:50pm” in a Lexus on Monday.
The baby’s father reported the girl was in her car seat in the back seat of his SUV when he ran into a friend’s house, only to find the car had vanished moments later, according to AL.com.
But by Tuesday, the girl was found and reported safe in her car seat. The car “has damage on the rear passenger side and appears to be taped with clear tape” due to an unrelated incident, the police said, which provided ventilation for the baby.
“Daylight was our friend on this one,’’ Parrish police Chief Danny Woodard told the outlet. Chief Woodard suggested that one explanation was the vehicle was not put into park, causing it to roll down a large embankment and into the kudzu.
It’s also possible, he added, that someone else could have moved the car there. “We’re just not sure yet,’’ he said.
“This is not something that happens in a small town like Parrish,’’ Chief Woodard told AL.com. “This is a strange turn of events. Luckily, the child was found safe and we’re going to continue to investigate.” He said it was too early to tell whether charges will be filed.
The baby’s mother, Bethany Smith, shared the good news on Facebook: “I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Harlow was found safe! The amount of people who came together to help us find her was overwhelming!! It made my heart so happy in such a horrific time! Thank you all soooo much! We love y’all!!”