A Tales of Xillia remaster could be underway from Bandai Namco, if spotted retailer leaks of the JRPG's supposed upcoming release on new consoles ring true.
Tales of Xillia, the 13th mainline entry in Bandai Namco's iconic JRPG series, first surfaced back in 2011 as a PlayStation 3 exclusive in Japan. The game received a global release and a sequel, Tales of Xillia 2 - but no remaster to date. That may change soon, though, as eagle-eyed fans have noticed a few Czech and Slovakian retail listings referencing a "Tales of Xillia Remastered" launch on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X.
As flagged on Reddit, three online stores operated by the same retailer accidentally may have leaked news of a Tales of Xillia remaster. "Return to the ancient world of Tales of Xillia in a new remastered presentation for modern game consoles," the could-be game's description reads when translated into English. "Play as one of the heroes and go to a world where people and spirits live together in harmony."
Tales of Xillia Remastered Possibly Leaked by Retailer from r/tales
While there's no way of telling if the supposed leaks are real, the news is exciting nonetheless - after all, Bandai Namco recently said "there are things I can't reveal at the moment" about a new Tales of game. Whether or not that means that Tales of Xillia is now finally coming to other platforms aside from Sony's PlayStation 3 or that the series is getting an entirely new entry remains uncertain. I'm personally keeping my fingers crossed for both.
Earlier this year, multiple Tales games were pulled from the PlayStation Store making older entries in the JRPG series harder to access.